All over the world, people are having panic and anxiety attacks. They're so fearful that everyone will get the virus and die. In Panamá, the whole country has basically closed down. On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, women are allowed out of their homes for a 2-hour window, determined by their national card numbers. Men are given the alternating days. From 5:00pm - 7:00am, we have a total curfew.

I never thought I would see the day when in one month's time, mass amounts of evangelism would also be happening all over the world simultaneously. Thousands are accepting the Lord! It is time for the church to take her rightful place and say: “Enough is Enough!”. We need to curse this virus and command it to die and dry up.

Estereo Vida has become a lifeline for Christians in Darien. In an effort to thwart spreading of the virus, gatherings of people, including church services, are no longer allowed. The church broadcast over Estereo Vida airwaves is the only church service around. Pastors come to the radio station to preach to their people and stay connected to them. People are so thankful to hear their pastor preaching the Word of God. The Gospel gives hope when there doesn’t seem to be any. It is the good news. The Pastors preach that there is a God bigger than anything that you are going through. A God who loves you unconditionally.

A few years ago, there was a young girl on her death bed from a virus similar to this one. She was prayed for and completely healed, while others were left with permanent side effects. To this day, she is a worshipper and plays the piano, inviting others to worship with her! When I hear her, I stop everything I'm doing and enter in. It is so beautiful.

Our God sacrificed His only son, Jesus, to die on our behalf so we could go to Heaven. No other god loves his children like that. It’s time to put our shouting clothes on and raise our praises to the Lord for how many souls have come to know Him as their personal Savior. Thank you for being a part of this great revival all over the world. Through our radio ministry, God is reaching the lost and hurting world across the entire Darien jungle.


We will now be highlighting students from one of our Sunday schools every month in our newsletter. Please add them to your prayer list.

The children in the Puerto Lara Sunday School are very excited every time they come and learn about Jesus! The local school teachers are always saying how they can easily pick out the children in their classes that attend Sunday School because of their coloring abilities and eagerness to learn.

The Lord blesses those who seek Him! Psalm 119:2


This month, we are blessed to say that we are healthy.

While everyone is still adjusting to the realities of this pandemic, our big family from Panamá to the U.S., including all of our grandchildren, are safe and sound.

The churches here are also doing well. None of the congregation members have this virus.

All thanks and praise be to our Savior and Protector, Jesus.


  • Protection and energy for the exhausted doctors and nurses working endless hours to care for the sick and dying
  • Victory for those facing financial challenges to faithfully support God's work in Panamá
  • The anointing over Estereo Vida as a lifeline in Darién to reach the lost and build up the Church
  • Strength and joy for our pastors faithfully serving God and their communities against extreme challenges
  • The physical, mental, and emotional health to give our best to His work every day


  • Radio station updates: a computer ($3,000), 3 microphones with boom arms and shock mounts ($240 each)
  • Maintenance of our air conditioning system ($1,800) used to protect electronics
  • A new ministry washing machine and microwave ($780)
  • Installation of new windows ($900)



  • A handyman to maintain our facilities
  • A small team to keep up our land maintenance
  • A tech to support radio, internet and other systems
  • A person to manage our Christian book store
  • A Sunday school administrator


All of our individual and group events are currently on hold or cancelled due to travel restrictions. When possible, we will work to get everything rescheduled with new dates. Until then, please stay tuned, keep praying, and hold your loved ones close.