JAMES 1:5-7

But if any of you needs wisdom, you should ask God for it. God is generous. He enjoys giving to all people, so God will give you wisdom. But when you ask God, you must believe. Do not doubt God. Anyone who doubts is like a wave in the sea. The wind blows the wave up and down. He who doubts is thinking two different things at the same time. He cannot decide about anything he does. A person like that should not think that he will receive anything from the Lord.

If ever there was a time in history that we need to get on our knees and ask God for His wisdom, it is today. When you ask God for wisdom, He is thrilled to be a part of your life and to walk beside you through the things that you are struggling with.

God’s way of dealing with things is foreign to our natural mind. Many times when I have asked God for His wisdom, it is because I am absolutely exhausted trying to figure out the solution to my problem by myself. Why I do not ask Him first, I do not know. It is probably pride. I always think that I can figure out everything on my own, but usually find myself on my knees and asking for His insight after I have made a mess out of it.

In the Darien, one of the members of our church was having a problem with her young adult child. He was 22 years old and thought He knew it all. He got into the wrong crowd. Drugs and alcohol seemed to consume him. He became very violent and his future seemed to have prison in mind. He was raised in church, in a good Christian family.

She tried everything to get him help. Nothing worked. So she got on her knees and asked the Lord to show her what to do. His answer was so simple. He told her to believe Him for a good Christian lady to come into his life. 

About six months passed and her son met this lady who was younger than him. She had two little girls from other men who were losers. She was all alone trying to make it on her own. He began visiting her and the little girls began loving him like only children know how to do. Before long, he was working and spending his money on things to help this young Christian lady. To make a long story short, he got her pregnant. She had a little baby boy with him and they got married.

She now has him totally off of drugs and alcohol. He works hard and takes care of his little family.

God knows how to fix every one of His children. He created them. He knew this young man needed someone to love. Someone who saw him and said 'you are better than that'. Someone to keep him focused on his strengths and not his failures. 

God knows the solution to all of our problems in this world. A little bit of His love goes a long way. Love that pulls the one who has gone astray up to a higher standard and gives them purpose in life.


Our churches will be opening this month. During this time, our children’s ministry has continued, but in home meetings.


This little girl came up to me the other day and said "I accepted Jesus in my heart. I am learning about him in my Sunday school class."

She was so proud of salvation. Her whole family came to the Lord during this crisis with the virus.


Caitlyn turns 12 this month. She is Jason's oldest granddaughter and our oldest great granddaughter.

Chris' wife, Debra, also has a birthday this month. She will turn the big 5-0. Their family is planning a trip to see us in Panama.


Please keep our churches in your prayers as we begin to open, especially our children's ministry. We have added a lot of new children to the classes during this time. Please pray for their protection against the virus.

Please keep our health in your prayers.

Please pray about a new youth outreach that we are going to begin pretty soon. We are in the planning stages of opening up a recreation center for teenagers. It's a big undertaking, but very needed.


  • Pole barn to house the ministry tractor and implements ($3,000)
  • Radio station laptop computer ($1,500)


  • Children's Ministry superintendent
  • Youth superintendent
  • A handyman to maintain our facilities
  • A group of skilled workers to build our pole barn


We are beginning to book groups for next year! If you would like to bring a group here, please contact us at contactvidamin@gmail.com.