We were able to donate large cans of powdered milk to around 60 families in two churches this month. Due to the pandemic, people are pretty much homebound. The milk should last about one month, depending on how many children are in the family. In the jungle, most people use the powdered milk because it’s very hard to find milk that is fresh here.

We also were able to donate 100 Bibles to the local pastors who have many new believers that they are discipling. Many of the churches have grown abundantly during this pandemic.

This pandemic has given people an opportunity to read their Bible more and to grow deeper in their relationship with God.

Radio Vida broadcasts the word of God to over 80,000 people on a daily basis. In addition, we have a Bible bookstore in our radio station. We sell a lot of literature because the people are really hungry for God here. It's one of the few places where people can purchase Bibles and Christian books to read. There is a large variety of books and Bibles.

Thank you for helping us to make this happen for the people here in the Darién jungles of Panamá.


In order to open the churches and Sunday School classes, we had to do a lot of legal work and follow strict regulations to sanitize everything. The paperwork is now done and we can start.


Thank God for this opportunity to reopen the churches and minister to people.

The schools are still closed, but learning is available online. Unfortunately, most people here do not have computers with internet in their homes. Some people use their phones to get the homework for their children and to send it back to their teachers.

I am sure most families cannot afford these remote schooling options, so the reality is that most children will lose this year of education and have to repeat it next year.


Back-to-back birthdays this month! Dennis celebrates his 73rd birthday on the 24th. The next day, Candace turns 29... again!

The rest of the Cooks are all safe and doing well. 


  • The anointing over Estereo Vida as a lifeline in Darién to reach the lost and build up the Church
  • Strength and joy for our pastors who are working endless hours discipling new believers
  • The physical, mental, and emotional health to give our best to His work every day
  • God's guidance and blessing on a new outreach we are working to begin to help people get free from their addictions


  • Radio station laptop computer ($1,500)
  • Building of a pole barn to house the ministry tractor and implements ($3,000)


  • Children's Ministry superintendent
  • Youth superintendent
  • A handyman to maintain our facilities
  • A group of skilled workers to build our pole barn
  • A tech to support radio, internet and other systems
  • A person to manage our Christian book store


The radio station has been approved to start live programs again. PTL! The churches are opening. A lot of the businesses are also opening. Little by little, we are getting back to life again.

Even though our individual and group events are currently on hold or cancelled due to travel restrictions, it's time to start planning for 2021! If you're interested in bringing a group next year, please contact us at jeanne.vidamin@gmail.com or contactvidamin@gmail.com.

Together, we are making a difference in the jungles of Panamá! We have hundreds of new believers to disciple and build firm foundations in their lives.